Dienstag, 27. Oktober 2015

#50 Finding friends/Clubs/Family

My new post is about what is going on right now in my life. One thing that is on my mind quite a lot is that it is really hard for me to find friends. The problem is probably that I am not good in making friends in general and it is especially hard when you come into a new environment where everybody knows each other and already has their circle of friends. Another thing that makes it harder for me is that I have five sisters in my age group in my host family and we are doing quite a lot together so I never had the feeling that it is the most important thing for me to find friends. I don’t feel lonely when I am at home. Also I really tried to find friends but here in America, the girls are harder to befriend because they are already in their groups and they don’t need somebody new.
But I will try again. It’s not that I depend on it because I have this awesome host family and these awesome sisters and we have lots of fun all the time.
When you have as many siblings as I have then you will know what I mean. There is always something happening and it gets rarely boring.
The last thing I wanted to tell you is that Cherry and I are now in the archery club. For those who don’t know what that is – bow & arrow should explain it. We can’t go to all the meetings, only to the one on Fridays but it’s still a great opportunity and I love it soo much. We have to wake up at 6am because the practice is before school from 7am to 8am.

Fall is so pretty 

That's how you dress in Fall season in Indiana :D 

Dienstag, 20. Oktober 2015

#49 Fall Break

I am back in school and I wish she time wouldn't fly by so fast. Fall break was amazing but too short at the same time. I had so much fun and I am sad it's over. So on friday we still had to wake up early because we had family devotion a 7am in the morning but after that I went back to sleep and I slept another two hours. After that I helped a little bit working I think but the truth is I can't remember what we did... The only thing I know is that in the evening we went to the pink out football game I told you about and it was really, really cold again and we lost. On Saturday we had our work day so I worked a little bit in the morning (after sleeping in till 10) and after that I helped making lunch what was a lot of fun. The best part of Saturday was going to the library and picking up movies and then watching them. The kids watched a movie upstairs and the older ones of us watched a different one downstairs. The movie was hilarious and I laughed the whole time. We also watched another movie but I fell asleep halfway through so I decided to go to bed while the others were finishing it.
Sunday was our church day and we made a stop at the gas station beforehand so I had a great start in the morning. After church, I went with three of my sisters to a gaming night at a friends house and there were so many people and we played video games and I had so much fun. I really loved hanging out with them and be able to play on a xbox again (I am missing mine so much haha).
Monday was kind of a lazy day. I didn't do much besides cleaning my room, doing my laundry and baking a cake but in the evening was Girls bible study group at our house and I really liked it. We are studying a book that helps you being a good wife later and to understand boys better.
Yeah, that was my fall break. I know it doesn't sound that interesting to you but for me it's the small things that makes me happy. Having a coup of coffee in the morning or baking together with your sisters... Its just a whole different world and I am so glad to be a part of it.
I hope you are all enjoying your time and if you are in Germany, you should be happy that you have a whole two weeks off for fall break! We are not that lucky in the United States...

Donnerstag, 15. Oktober 2015

#48 Starting a new life...

I'm getting out of ideas for  blog posts titles, but I thought that this one would match it pretty good.
So yeah, doing an exchange year is basically starting a new life. You have a new home, a new family, a new school, a new language, a new culture, new friends and last but not least new rules. Because when you go into a new family with a new culture, you have to learn that there are new rules too. Your life will be completely different and you will have to deal with the good sides and the bad sides. My life here is kind of a dream life. I have the best family I could wish for and I have so much fun that I can't think of somewhere else to spend my year. But of course there are also things that are different than in Germany and you can't live like you did when you were back there. You have to get used to rules that might are the complete difference than what you learned.
I think this is important to know because I know that it is hard for some of the exchange students to accept that. But anyways, the last week was busy like always and I had lots of fun. Unfortunately I forgot most of the things I did, but let me think of it.. Uh I remember :) On friday the older girls of us had a hunger games marathon.. Yes, we watched all three movies in a row and if you read the about me side on this blog, you will know that I absolutely LOVE the hunger games movies.
We finished them a little after midnight and I immediately went to bed because I was really tired..
On Saturday we couldn't sleep in because we had a work day in church and it actually should go from 9 am to 4 pm but we were done early so we left and discussed what we wanted to do instead. In the end we came up with the idea of grabbing coffee at the gas station, driving to town to look for halloween costumes and then going to the movies to watch Hotel Transylvania 2. I had soo much fun! I love the coffee from the gas station so much (its more like a type of cappuccino called pumpkin spice) and the movies was so funny. We all laughed a lot and just had a fun time.
On sunday we we didn't do much but on tuesday we went to Warsaw again and finally found a coatume for halloween. I am going to be a girls version of Robin Hood and I kind of made my costume up. I am going to wear a dress that I borrowed from one of my sisters and I bought a belt for my waist and a hood that looks like Robin Hood and I ordered a bow and arrow online.
We are going to have a halloween thing at the church that is called trunk-or-treat. That means that instead of going around houses the kids are going to the parking lot were many trucks are standing and we are giving them candy out of the trunks. After that is a halloween party for the youth group of the church and I am really excited for that.
So after I got everything for my costume, we went to eat at Panda Express and it is still my favourite fast food place in America.. I love the food so much, especially the orange chicken.
Also... Its's time for fall break guys! That means we don't have school tomorrow and on monday. I mean its only two days but I am still really excited and happy about that. So yeah, that was everything I wanted to talk with you about. I hope everything is going fine where ever you are.

Mittwoch, 7. Oktober 2015

#47 About everything and finally photos!

Heyy I am back because I finally put the photos on my tablet so you can see what was going on in my life the past couple of weeks. Also I forgot to tell you about our trip to the zoo so here it is:
On friday I didn't go to school as I said before because we had a family trip to a zoo in fort wayne.
It was really nice! There were a lot of animals like monkeys, sea lions, penguins, lionse etc. and there was a thing that I can't explain really well but it is kind of like the thing you use to lift you up on a mountain for skiing. There was also a giant turtle but the pictures of that are on my camera.
My favorite animal in the zoo was the red panda. It is so  cute and I love them :)

Red Panda

When we went to the frozen yogurt place for cherry's birthday, I had my first american frozen yogurt and it was delicious but it wasn't as good as the one I had in Mallorca, my mom knows what I am talking about :D

Bildunterschrift hinzufügen
Yesterday I had a lot of fun with my host sister because we decided to bake something and we were listening to an Ed Sheeran CD and it was just a blast! I am so happy that I have so many amazing siblings who are making everyday to a fun day for me.

I look so professional :D
And here they are: cinnamon apple sauce rolls *-*
Did you know that there are a lot of broadways in America? :D Yeah, I have my own little broadway and of course I had to take a picture in front of the broadway

Bildunterschrift hinzufügen
The rest of the pictures I took  when I was in a real american school bus the first time and when I went to a country store :D Enjoy

Bildunterschrift hinzufügen

The next picture speaks for itself....

These buses are uncomfortable :D
So the last thing I  wanted to tell you is that I now have plans for my future and even  though I still don't want to go home, I am happy that my old life is waiting for me and that I know what I want to change and that I  am still young enough to make decisions that will control my future. Maybe it will not turn out like think right now but I actually have plans for the first time  *-*
That was it for today :)

Montag, 5. Oktober 2015

#46 Time is running...

I am back because today is monday again and I just can't believe that the time is running soo fast! You can't tell me that I only have eight months left till I have to go home. To be honest I really don't want to go home.. Not now, not tomorrow and not in eight months. And I have the feeling that the time will be running so fast because I already spent two months here and it feels like I arrived yesterday. But yeah what I wanted to tell you is that I had another great weekend here in Indiana. On friday we actually went to the Football Game because we skipped Girls night for that and even though we lost and it was fricking cold, we had so much fun! After the game the older girls of us stayed up late watching the princess diaries but I fell asleep halfway through. On Saturday I had my first lazy day in America. I didn't leave the house all day and I kind of stayed in my pajamas, but to my defense I at least worked a couple of hours in the house, making apple sauce for the winter.
In the middle of the day my sister and I decided it would be a great idea to grab some coffee at the coffee store but it was closed (in a little tiny town like Mentone you can never be sure if the shops will be open or not) so we made Indian Chai (means tea) instead and we had our own little tea party. It was fun and soon after it my oldest sister came back with a friend and we spent our evening watching a really funny & old movie called seven brides for seven brothers (YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT!) and after that we watched a little bit of a football game and kind of just talked and had fun till midnight. Even though it doesn't make much sense, Cherry (my sister from thailand) and I decided that we want to have a sleepover with one of our sisters so she just took her mattress into our room and we went to sleep. It was really fun.
Sunday  was church day and after the church we went to a fall party of our aunt and after that Cherry, I, two of our sisters and the friend went to town to go to a frozen  yogurt place for cherry's birthday. It was fuun :) In the evening we had a special supper for cherry, she opened her presents and we watched a movie. That was my weekend. I had so much fun and I am still so grateful for everything that I can experience  here. What the exchange year does to me is that I seriously start to think of my future and it is a little bit frightened but yeah.. For now on I will just enjoy my life as an indiana girl.