Donnerstag, 17. September 2015

#42 Lake Day, Tubing and Home Coming Week

Hii guys I'm back :D I really feel bad for me that I update this blog so often. But I just have so much time in school. I mean this SRT thing is really nice when you usually don"t have time to read or to do your homework, but I have TWO classes everyday where I have time for that. And I can't read all the time..I've already read five books since I am here.
So yeah.. Also, I have some news so I thought it would be a good idea to write a new post and to kill my boredome. As you can see in the title, I went to Lake Day yesterday and it was soo AMAZING! I had so much fun and I am so glad I have the opportunity to experience something like that.
We went tubing and it was the first time I did it and it was so much fun. I mean it was really painful too (Gave me a major headache and some bruises) but the feeling when you kind of flew through the water... Just indescribable. I couldn't take pictures because I left my phone safe and sound on the ground next to the lake. But I found many pictures on google that show you exactly what it looked like


After we all had our fun in the water or on the boat, we went to Dairy Queen to eat. I ordered a peanut butter cookie dough blizzard (ice cream) and it was so delicious! But the sizes are so much different than in Germany. The medium I got was so large, I couldn't finish it alone.
That was my wednesday. Next week we have home coming in our school but I am not thaaaat excited for it. I mean of course its a special experience but there are some things that make it a little bit less exciting for me. First of all, the topics for the dress-up days are not fun at all. I don't even have anything to wear for them. I know that one of them is Halloween, one is Christmas and one is green and gold but don't ask me why because our school colors are green and yellow.
So yeah I can't dress up for the days because I really have nothing to wear and I was so excited for them. Also I don't even know when the home coming dance is and I don't have a dress for that.
I think home coming is not that kind of a big deal at our school, so maybe it doesn't matter that I don't have anything for it. Buut, we will see.. Maybe it will turn out to be great after all.
That is all I have for now, I probably won't update the next days just because I already told you everything. I hope you all are doing well

Update: I just found out there is a creative writing class at our school and I am so sad that I didn't know about it earlier. I would love to do it and I hope I can take it next semester. wish me luck!

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